Mesothelioma Treatment
Our mission is to help victims get the asbestosis and mesothelioma treatment they need. Time matters when it comes to asbestos exposure. It matters because early detection of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases can impact the success of the mesothelioma treatment. Remember that the signs of disease after asbestos exposure may take 20 or even 40 years to show up. It is important that you learn your rights now if you have been exposed to this toxic material.
The National Cancer Institute provides current information on asbestosis and mesothelioma treatment and diagnosis, as well as mesothelioma palliative care. Call 1-800-332-8615 for additional information about treating your Mesothelioma condition.
Victims of mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases, you are entitled to recover damages from the asbestos manufacturing companies. Victims are often surprised to find out that financial compensation can be recovered from the asbestos industry. These awards provide financial security for victims and their families. Companies which manufactured or used asbestos-containing products knew since at least 1930 that asbestos exposure was hazardous, yet they suppressed that medical knowledge, and made billions of dollars in profits from the sale of asbestos-containing products.